How To Make Paper in Minecraft: A Simple Guide

Did you know you can make three pieces of paper from just three sugar canes in Minecraft? This is a great way to get a valuable resource for crafting things like books and fireworks. This guide will show you the basics of making paper in Minecraft, making your gameplay better. You’ll learn how to make sugar cane paper for books or maps. Paper is important for making firework rockets and trading with villagers, so knowing how to make it is key.

Key Takeaways

  • Crafting three sugar canes produces three pieces of paper.
  • Paper is essential for creating books and maps in Minecraft.
  • You can find paper in treasure chests across various locations.
  • Sugar cane grows near rivers and oceans in most biomes.
  • Combining paper with gunpowder produces firework rockets.

Introduction to Paper in Minecraft

In Minecraft, paper is a key item for crafting. You can make it with three sugar canes found in the game. Knowing how to make paper can make your Minecraft journey better. It’s important for many recipes and crafting needs.

You can find paper in various places in the game. For instance, it might be in Shipwreck supply chests, with 1 to 12 pieces and a 46.4% chance. Map chests can have 1 to 10 papers, happening 89.4% of the time. You might also find it in Stronghold Library chests, with 2 to 7 papers and an 89.2% chance, or in Village Cartographer’s chests with 1 to 5 pieces and a 61.2% chance.

Paper is very useful in the game. You can make a cartography table with two pieces of paper and four wood planks. To make an empty map, you need eight pieces of paper and one compass. Villagers also trade paper for things like emeralds and enchanted books. In Bedrock Edition, they give an emerald for 24 pieces of paper. In Java Edition, novice librarians might buy the same amount with a 2/3 chance.

Paper has been in Minecraft since Java Edition Alpha v.1.0.11, for making books. Over time, it’s been used for more things like banner patterns, firework rockets, and cartography tables.

Importance of Paper in Minecraft

In Minecraft, paper is very important. You need three sugarcane pieces to make three pieces of paper. This makes paper easy to get and very useful for crafting.

With paper, you can make books, maps, and banners. For example, making a book takes three pieces of paper and a piece of leather. This shows how important paper is in the game.

Paper is used for more than just books. You can also make item frames and maps with it. These items help with decoration and finding your way around the game world. While crafting paper, you might also want to make smooth stone in Minecraft, another essential material. Librarians and cartographers in the game value paper a lot, trading it for emeralds and other items.

Getting sugarcane is easy because it grows near water. Paper is key for making special items that help enchant your tools and weapons. This makes paper essential for moving forward in the game.

Being able to make paper efficiently can greatly improve your gameplay. So, it’s a resource you should focus on getting more of.

How To Make Paper In Minecraft?

Making paper in Minecraft is easy once you know what you need. You’ll need to get familiar with the right ingredients and tools. Just follow a few simple steps to make paper, which is key for many crafts.

Step 1: Gather Necessary Ingredients

To begin, collect at least three pieces of sugar cane. These grow near water in many places. Look for lush spots near water to find them easily.

Also, keep an eye out for other items. You might find paper in chests in shipwrecks and strongholds. This can add to your collection.

Step 2: Access the Crafting Table

After getting your sugar cane, head to your crafting table. You can’t make paper without it. If you don’t have one, make it with four wooden planks. This lets you use the 3×3 grid for crafting.

Step 3: Craft the Paper

Now, it’s time to craft the paper. Put the three sugar cane pieces in any row on the crafting table. This will give you three pieces of paper, perfect for making books, maps, and fireworks. Making paper opens up many possibilities in Minecraft, making it a valuable skill.

Finding Sugar Cane for Paper

Finding Sugar Cane for Paper
Finding Sugar Cane for Paper

In Minecraft, finding sugar cane is key for making paper. This is a vital resource for many items in the game. Knowing where to find sugar cane makes crafting easier and keeps you well-stocked. Sugar cane grows in certain places, making it easier to spot where it is.

Identifying Sugar Cane Locations

Look for sugar cane near water like rivers, lakes, and oceans. It looks like tall green stalks and grows on dirt and sand near water. This makes it easy to find. You can find sugar cane in many biomes, so you can explore different areas to collect it.

BiomesSugar Cane Locations
SwampAbundant, grows near water
DesertOccasionally found by oases
JungleCan be located along riverbanks
PlainsCommonly found near rivers or lakes

Harvesting Sugar Cane Efficiently

When you harvest sugar cane, break the bottom block of each plant. This drops up to three pieces of sugar cane. To manage resources well, replant at least two blocks of each stalk after taking the cane. You can also find sugar cane in treasure chests in villages, shipwrecks, or strongholds 2>. Keeping your inventory organized helps when you’re collecting sugar cane, making sure you don’t lose track of important items.

Using these strategies will help you find and harvest sugar cane efficiently. This way, you can craft the items you need in your Minecraft adventure.

Creating a Sugarcane Farm

Starting a sugar cane farm is key for making paper in Minecraft. Sugar cane grows near water, reaching up to four blocks high. Plant it next to water for the best growth.

Sugar cane grows every 16 random ticks, or about every 18 minutes. This makes it a steady source for crafting paper In Minecraft and maps.

For better sugar cane farming, use efficient designs. Automatic farms can make lots of sugar cane but cost more and might slow down your game. There are different types, like stationary and flying farms, with zero-tick farms being the fastest.

Simple farms use layers of sugarcane on dirt or sand with water close by. This way, you get a steady supply of sugar cane. Harvest it often to keep your farm going.

Each sugarcane plant can grow up to three blocks tall. Adding more plants nearby helps them grow even higher. Keep your farm well-watered and use smart designs for lots of paper.

Knowing about spawn rates helps too. Sugar cane grows better in certain biomes, like the Desert and Swamp, where it’s more likely to spawn. This can make your farming more efficient.

Crafting Uses for Paper in Minecraft

Crafting Uses for Paper in Minecraft
Crafting Uses for Paper in Minecraft

In Minecraft, paper has many uses that make the game more fun. It helps you explore, store things, and even celebrate. Knowing how to use paper in Minecraft can give you a big edge.

Using Paper to Create Books

Books are key for making powerful items. To make one, you need three pieces of paper and one piece of leather. This makes books easy to make, taking less than 30 seconds.

Books are not just for enchanting. They are also needed to make bookshelves. These shelves help you enchant items better.

Making Maps with Paper

Maps are a must-have for finding your way in Minecraft. You can make a map by putting a compass in the middle of eight pieces of paper. This is important for exploring and marking places you want to visit.

Fireworks Crafting with Paper

Fireworks make the game more exciting with their bright displays. You can make them with paper in Minecraft and gunpowder. These fireworks can light up the sky during celebrations.

They also add fun to the game. You can use them with elytra to fly around your world.

Trading Paper with Villagers

Trading Paper with Villagers
Trading Paper with Villagers

In Minecraft, you can trade paper in Minecraft with villagers like cartographers and librarians for emeralds. This is a great way to get resources and make your game better. By building reed farms near villager homes, you can trade more often and get more emeralds. Villagers can learn to trade paper after they level up, which includes trading items like bookshelves and glass.

Trading with different villagers is a smart way to get emeralds. For example, farming animals lets you trade food with butchers. You can also make more resources with automatic farms for things like potatoes and carrots, which you can trade with farmer villagers. Some villagers will even trade items like string, coal, or wool for emeralds, making trading more interesting.

By farming and trading smartly, you can always have emeralds. The game has different biomes that help you get sugar cane, which you need to make paper. Deserts and swamps are great places to find sugar cane, making trading easier. Villager librarians will give you emeralds for paper, which is a good deal in the Java edition.

Trading with villagers helps build communities in the game. It encourages players to work together and come up with new strategies. By trading paper and other items, you can start new adventures and do well in Minecraft.

Tips for Efficient Paper Production

To make paper in Minecraft efficiently, start by building a good sugar cane farm. Sugar cane grows well near water and gives you three pieces when it’s ready. With a steady sugar cane supply, making paper in Minecraft is easy. Just put three sugar canes in the crafting area to get three papers.

Look for sugar cane that grows on its own near water to save time. Also, check shipwrecks for paper loot to add to your stockpile. Adding these tips to your strategy helps you make paper quickly. This lets you craft books, maps, and fireworks without hassle.

For better paper in Minecraft production, farm and explore together. These strategies make Minecraft crafting easier. You can then spend more time building and exploring, not just gathering resources.


How do I craft paper in Minecraft?

To make paper, you need at least three sugar cane pieces. Place the sugar cane in a 3×3 crafting grid on a crafting table. This will give you three pieces of paper.

Where can I find sugar cane in Minecraft?

Sugar cane grows near water like rivers, lakes, or ponds. Look for tall, green stalks that are three to four blocks high.

What can I use paper for in Minecraft?

Paper helps make books, enchanting tables, maps, and fireworks. These items improve your gameplay.

How can I efficiently farm sugar cane?

Plant sugar cane near water on dirt or sand blocks. A trench design helps with growth and access.

Can I trade paper with villagers?

Yes, trade paper in Minecraft with villagers like cartographers and librarians. They offer emeralds in return, which is useful.

How can I improve my paper production in Minecraft?

Keep a steady sugar cane farm and gather from natural spots. Also, check shipwrecks for extra paper.

Why is paper important in Minecraft?

Paper is key for making enchanting tables, maps, and fireworks. It’s a must-have for players.


Making paper in Minecraft is a straightforward process that opens up new possibilities for crafting and gameplay. By following the simple steps of gathering sugar cane, crafting it into paper, and storing your newly created resource.

You’ll be well on your way to expanding your Minecraft arsenal. Remember that paper in Minecraft is a versatile item used in various recipes, from maps to books to firework rockets, making it an essential material for any serious Minecraft player.

As you become more proficient in paper-making, consider setting up an efficient sugar cane farm to ensure a steady supply of this valuable resource. With practice, you’ll find that creating paper in Minecraft becomes second nature, allowing you to focus on more complex crafting projects and adventures in the vast Minecraft world. 

Whether you’re an aspiring cartographer, librarian, or simply looking to enhance your gameplay experience, mastering the art of paper-making is a crucial skill that will serve you well throughout your Minecraft journey.

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